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Hayes Ava
Thank you for all you taught me about possessing Windhorse...It was your greatest gift. I will always miss you.
Valeria Kern
David was a shining example, for all of us, of how to live life to the fullest. Rest in peace now, David.
Bruce Maurier
No upriver wind holding you back now. Glassy smooth standing waves, big fat cushions off the turns, perfect camps. River Heart!
Spencer Sias
The many rivers we rowed flow on and on with never ending gratitude for the experiences we shared. Here's to you Rhino. FIIQ!
Joy Thompson
David...employer, friend, mentor, inspiration. I cherish so many memories. Go rest high on that mountain, David. Love and Light.
My friend, confidant and mentor for over thirty years. I will miss you greatly.
Our prayers go out to David's family and friends--
Carol Dilfer
For David, my friend since 1977...dancing partner, hiking & rafting buddy, confidant, great guy. Safe travels, my friend.
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