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Joan LeBlanc Partner July 13, 2012
I spent years trying to talk David into joining Lakin Spears, all the time knowing he was planning to spend more and more time pursuing all of his other passions, that perhaps we may have only a year or less with him as an active partner.  We got 5 years.  It was worth every moment he had to share with us at Lakin Spears, he was a mentor and a wonderful collegue.  I met him in my first year of law practice 30 years ago and he was a true gentlemen while still a great advocate and I never forgot that impression.  He clearly carried the lessons of his other interests into every aspect of his life.  David, I will miss you!  Joan LeBlanc 
Fred Molfino,Sr. Friend from San Jacinto in 1950-1960's July 12, 2012
Dave  was my age but much more focused in his pursuits. A star member of Lincoln High football varsity,Dave also excelled in academics. I aspired to be like him but was sucked up in prevellant useless basketball gams,smoking and Block parties. A part of my youth Dave could scarcely have gone further.
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